Sunday, March 5, 2006


It is best to use mild to medium ground sausage but you can use chopped meat instead. Additionally I prefer using corn starch as a thickening agent but you can use flour. The difference is use the corn starch directly in the cold milk before putting it in the pan, with flour you spread it on after the milk has warmed.

1lb ground mild/medium sausage
4 cups of milk
corn starch
garlic salt
1/2 a medium onion
bacon grease
2 to 3 shots of hot sauce

Brown sausage in a large skillet keeping the grease
Chop onion and add to the mix -- continue to brown for a few minutes until onions soften
Put three cups of milk in the skillet
Put 4 teaspoons of cornstarch in last cup of milk and mix then add to warmed milk in skillet
Add garlic salt, pepper, hot sauce and simmer until it thickens -- sometimes it is best to begins thickening and then turn it off for about ten minutes then reheat for a thicker sauce

Great on toast or scrambled eggs

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Quiche Jim

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