Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Spinach and Feta Salad This delicious salad (thanks Ginny) can, and usually is, served at room temperature. ALthough it is delicious refrigerated. If you plan to refrigerate, reduce the amount of penne -- they seem to multiply! 1 bag penne noodles 1 bag fresh baby spinach olive oil garlic salt black olives, sliced 5oz package of feta chick peas lemon clove garlic five strips bacon well done croutons Cook noodles until just before they are done - need them a bit firm clean the spinach and cut off as many of the stems as you can Once noodles are ready toss them in a large salad bowl and then put the spinach on top. Immediately start stirring so the noodles will wilt the spinach. Then add about three ounces of olive oil, two teaspoons of lemon oil, a teaspoon of garlic salt, a small can (drained) chick peas, a minced clove of garlic and the black olives. Once you have all that mixed well add the feta and the chopped bacon strips and toss. Only add the croutons when you are ready to serve. Had this at my sister Pat's this summer (2012) and tweaked it a bit. She got this recipe from her daughter Ginnny.

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Quiche Jim

 I've not tried this recipe before, not that I'm aware of, but I often buy Quiche Lorraine or spinach and cheese type of quiche, and...