1 pound of bacon (real bacon not the already cooked)
3 stalks of celery (chopped)
1 large yellow onion (chopped)
4 cloves of garlic (chopped)
4 tablespoon of butter
4 cups of good chicken stock
1/4 pound of butter (one stick)
1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
1 teaspoon tarragon
1/4 cup of all purpose flour
1 cup heavy cream

How you cook this and prepare the soup depends on your needs. It is possible to make this soup in less than 30 minutes but to me the best way is in a slow cooker, overnight, prepared in two separate steps. That is how I present it here.
In a skillet cook the bacon. You want it crisp enough to easily chop the bacon into small pieces. In the mean tome you have a slow cooker set on high and one slice of the uncooked bacon goes into the slow cooker, the rest in the skillet. While the bacon is cooking chop the onion, garlic, and celery. As the bacon cooks take out the slices that have cooked forst, chop them and drop into the slow cooker. The slice of bacon you had on the slow cooker that has greased the slow cooker but of course not cooked through, put it into the skillet. Once the bacon is done, chopped, and into the slow cooker, put the onion, garlic, and celery into the skillet. Covering the skillet will help in the cooking of the mix on medium heat.
Meanwhile peel the potatoes, cube them, and once the onion/garlic/celery mix has softened, the onion start to turn clear, put the potatoes into the mix. Idea here is to cook for 5 minutes, coating the potatoes with bacon grease, and the mix. When ready place everything you just cooked into slow cooker and add the chicken broth.

Now here's the part where we stop and allow the slow cooker to either sit overnight on low, or all day if you prepared this early in the day. We're allowing the potatoes to cook, to soften and to integrate the broth throughout the potato soup.
Second Section:
When you're ready melt the butter in a small pot, and once melted on medium heat put in the flower stirring with a whisk constantly. Once the flour mixture is completely mixed add the tarragon and the heavy cream. Stir constantly bringing the mixture to a boil and as soon as it boils turn it back down to medium as all of a sudden this mixture will thicken on you -- very quickly in about 2 minutes. Pour the mix into the soup.
Last thing to do is take about half the entire soup with whole potatoes and puree them thickening the soup even more. Salt and pepper to taste, top soup with grated cheese of your choice.