Sunday, December 27, 2009


This goes by many names in many places: Mulled Wine; Spiced Wine; Glogg; etc.  The ingredients are pretty much the same.  This recipe is one we've used for many years with subtle variations each year.  I will included all the ingredients, but certainly you don't have to use all of them.

Here's a link to an incomplete but a video prep of me fixing the Gluwein:

2 bottles of red wine - if you can find Mulled wine in the class 6/liquor store somewhere substitute one bottle of the mulled wine for one of the red and change the other red wine to a rose.
2 bottles of rose wine
Brown sugar
Cinnamon sticks
3 Oranges
1 Apple
Crock Pot

It is best to prepare this the day before and allowed to stay on the lowest heat covered until ready to drink.
Pour the wine into the crock pot and put the pot on low.  Stir in two cups of brown sugar as the wine heats.  In the mean time quarter two of the oranges.  Take the other orange and apple and insert cloves into the outer skin of the fruit, as many as your fingers can stand.  Sprinkle nutmeg into the gluhwein and add all of the fruit and 4 to 5 cinnamon sticks.

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Quiche Jim

 I've not tried this recipe before, not that I'm aware of, but I often buy Quiche Lorraine or spinach and cheese type of quiche, and...