Sunday, December 23, 2007

Momma Ruth's Grape Garage Wine

6 12 oz cans of Welch's frozen grape concentrate and mix with 3 quarts of water
4 cups of sugar
1 pkg. of Flieschman's yeast

Dissolve sugar in grape juice
Dissolve yeast in a cup of warm water

Combine 3 quarts of grape juice with the yeast in a glass gallon jug.  Add warm water to fill the gallon jar almost full.  Stretch a balloon over the top of the glass jar,  When balloon bursts in 5 to 7 weeks the wine is ready!

Egg Drop Soup

1 qt water
5 chicken bullion cubes

Bring to a boil

5 Tbls Soy Sauce
2 fresh scallions chopped

Cook for 10 minutes

1/4 Tsp pepper

Cook for 10 minutes

beat two eggs and add to mixture

Cook for 5 minutes

Blend 3 heaping Tbls of cornstarch in a 1/4 cup of cold water then add to the mixture -- cook until thick

Quiche Jim

 I've not tried this recipe before, not that I'm aware of, but I often buy Quiche Lorraine or spinach and cheese type of quiche, and...