Saturday, September 19, 2009

Family Pizza

Family Pizza night was always a favorite for many years -- too many years I guess now that I look back.  But this pizza recipe is as close to the original as I can come.  I hope you enjoy ...

For two pizzas, 18 inch pan with holes in the bottom

Three packages of pizza dough mix
Olive oil
Jar of pizza sauce - glass jar better taste
One 8 oz, one 16 oz package of good quality mozzarella cheese.  Not store variety, the fresher the better.  It is the cheese and the crust that are the secrets to a good pizza.
Italian seasoning
Garlic salt
Pepperoni -- the packaged stuff is OK but not as tastly as the fresh pepperoni in the deli.  If not that then get the roll you slice yourself, it will be tastier than the pre-sliced, non-refrigerated pepperoni

Two medium to large size bowls.

Here's a "how-to" video on making this pizza.  Family Pizza Night

In each bowl put one package of the pre-mix dough and split the third between the two.  Use the appropriate amount of warm water for the two then add one third of a cup more water to the mixture and stir.  Use the bisquick to add to the mixture until it shapes into a ball that is not sticking to the sides of the bowl.  Then cover each bowl with a towel and sit on top of the stove as the stove pre-heats to 425 degrees.
Once 30 to 45 minutes has passed its time to spread the dough on to the pizza pans.  First you need to make a choice - do you want to use more Bisquick and rolling pin to spread the dough out or use olive oil to spread out the dough by hand.  Either way once you've managed to spread the dough and filled the pizza pan, sit it in the oven and bake it until the bottom of the dough turns a light brown.
Take the pan and dough out and spread light layer of sauce on the dough and sprinkle with about a tablespoon of sugar.  On top of this having taken both bags of cheese and combined them, spread half the cheese on one and half on the other.  Top with some Italian seasoning and the pizza is ready for whatever topping you like to include the peperoni.
Bake for about 25 minutes -- really depends on how much "stuff" you put on the top of the pizza.

Use white sauce instead of pizza sauce, found in the same section as spaghetti sauce in the grocery.
Make your own pizza dough - make the dough thiner and it will be crispier!
Use gluten free flour and gluten free ingredients -- the crust will brown quicker so make sure you watch it and reduce the oven temperature just a bit.

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Quiche Jim

 I've not tried this recipe before, not that I'm aware of, but I often buy Quiche Lorraine or spinach and cheese type of quiche, and...