Monday, March 18, 2013

Breakfast Pizza

1 can of refrigerated Pillsbury crescent rolls
3 eggs
shredded cheese - sharp cheddar
bag of frozen hash browns
Frozen sausage crumbles or crumbled bacon or crumbled vegetarian sausage
either a pizza pan or a rectangle cookie sheet

Set the oven to 400 and then with the selected pan, open the crescent rolls and spread them out. If using the pizza pan, separate the crescent slices and form a circle best you can, stretching and patting the dough to fill the empty spots.
Shake out enough hash browns to cover the dough thinly.
Shake out crumble of your selection and add enough to cover each quarter section with a taste of the sausage.
Mix well the three eggs, a sprinkle of turmeric, and add a small amount of the cheese to help the eggs spread out easier. Then slowly starting at the outer edge drizzle the egg mixture throughout the pizza.
Add cheese to the pizza top in a thin layer.
Salt/pepper to taste.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Polk Pizza

This easy to make, vegetarian or meat pizza, is easier on the stomach for those of us with issues with red pizza sauce

1 can of pizza dough, from dairy, whole wheat
1/2 jar of white sauce -- often Alfredo sauce
pizza pan
olive oil
1/4 of a yellow onion
1 tomato
1 clove garlic
4 mozzeralla sticks
garlic salt
spicy garlic hummus
pan spray

Use the square pizza dough, or once a little warm reshape into a round pizza pan sprayed with olive oil spray, and place in a 425 degree oven for 10 minutes. While cooking the dough, slice the 1/4 of an onion and then divide into half. Slice the tomato as thinly as possible as well as the garlic. Slicing the long way divide the mozzarella sticks into four -- slice it once into half then the halves once again to make four from each stick.
Check the dough and make sure it is browning on the bottom -- if not put it back into the oven for a little more time. Once ready spread the hummus on the dough, the hot dough should make this fairly easy. Next the Alfredo sauce spread it around the pizza then add the mozzarella slices in a pinwheel fashion on a round pizza, church rows on a square. On top of the mozzarella evenly distribute the onion then the tomato slices. Liberally cover the pizza with oregano and sage then use garlic salt to taste. Drizzle olive oil over the entire pizza and slip it into the oven.
In 15 minutes check the pizza and once you see the mozzarella mostly melted, it's ready!

Quiche Jim

 I've not tried this recipe before, not that I'm aware of, but I often buy Quiche Lorraine or spinach and cheese type of quiche, and...